Enhapp believes that health and wellness are at the core of what it means to be a better you.Our goal is to help people around the world connect with industry professionals, consult with clinical and fitness experts, and care about their holistic health and wellbeing, all on one platform.

Why Choose ENHAPP
Access to a plethora of health and fitness professionals
Customized content to help achieve your wellness goals
One-on-one, online consultations with industry professionals
Simplified payment gateway to enable easy transactions
Connectivity to popular health tracking devices
Easy access to solutions and query management
Our Store

Wellness Management Programs
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Meditation
- Lifestyle Management
- Fitness Programs
Our certified professionals offer a range of programs to give you an all-round, holistic understanding of yoga and its benefits.
Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Explore our programs designed by certified professionals to begin your journey.
Mindfulness, focus, attention, and awareness - our meditation experts will help you begin your journey towards the holistic world of meditation and introduce you to the importance of meditation in your life.
An intervention designed to promote positive lifestyle and behaviour change, our various lifestyle management programs are designed by professionals to promote health and wellness.
Our specialized weight management programs are designed by professionals to help you develop healthier eating habits and get more active.
Care Management Programs
Our experts design programs to address non-communicable diseases and help assess their conditions and find solutions to manage any concerns.