signs of a strong immune system

What are the Signs of a Strong Immune System? Here are 7 key Habits that can help you Boost them.

We will explore the human immune system and how to get a strong immune system by following these 7 essential habits.

The news of ‘weak immune system‘ and ‘strong immune system‘ has been doing rounds for a long time. But, when the pandemic struck, and people with weaker immune systems severely succumbed to the virus. As their numbers were added to the infection rate, it aroused a curiosity to understand more about the signs of a strong immune system and how to get a strong immune system 

Here we will explore the human immune system, how to get a strong immune system, and how it promotes overall health by following these 7 essential habits. 

Our immunity system comprises of a complex network of tissues, cells, and organs evolved to help the body ward off inflammations, infections, and other diseases. This complex network of biological elements includes white blood cells and the lymph system’s organs and tissues like the thymus, spleen, tonsils, and bone marrow, to name a few.  

Here are some visible Signs of a Strong Immune System: 

  • Faster recovery from diseases and infections 
  • Slight symptoms when you fall ill  
  • Better gut health, including healthy digestion, proper excretion 
  • Good sleep quality 
  • Higher daily energy levels 
  • Improved mood  

Whether you doubt your immune system as a weakened immune system or simply want to boost your immune function, these seven essential habits will help you. 

  •   Eat Foods That Boost Immune Response 

Free radicals are proven to damage your immune cells and immune function. But, foods rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants (including many-colored plant foods) can help your immune system ward off free radicals and protect your body from the excessive damage caused by them.  

When it comes to eating many-colored plant foods, the rule of thumb is to look for the colors of the rainbow. For instance, you can eat oranges, berries, squash, mushrooms, and dark green leafy vegetables. Pick and savor as much variety of colors as possible to provide your immune cells with a myriad of nutrients. 

There is also healthy fats, or Omega 3 fatty acids, that can give you strong immunity. A wide variety of fatty fish and nuts are rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. They play a significant role in immune response and boost the body’s response to inflammations.  

  • Avoid Foods That Suppress Immune Function 

Eating immune-boosting foods and avoiding foods that suppress immune function are two sides of the same coin. Both habits complement each other.  

The primary foods that suppress immune function are sugar and carbohydrate. Excessive consumption of these foods breaks our body’s nutrient balance and turns it prone to inflammations. Avoid fruit juices and soda loaded with refined sugar, and opt for raw fruits that contain natural sugars. In addition, you can consider whole grains and starchy vegetables as wholesome carbohydrates sources. Whole grains and natural sweeteners, have fiber and other nutrients that can easily digest and absorb carbohydrates, while refined sugar and grains let carbohydrates deposit in your body as fat. Excess fat deposits in your body can lead to obesity and a weakened immune system.   

  •  Get Physically Active  

Human beings are not meant to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Our body has evolved to hunt and gather our food. Along with improving body immunity power, regular physical activity has several health benefits. Various studies have proven that regular moderate physical activity brings a more remarkable ability to fight potentially harmful germs, particularly damaging to the respiratory system. 

Engaging in regular, moderate to intense exercise may reduce inflammation and psychological stress and improve immune cell regeneration. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a minimum physical activity of 150 minutes per week, that is, 22 minutes per day, to reap the exercise-related benefits for our body and mind. This moderate to intense physical activities can be biking, jogging, or a 30 minutes walk for at least four days a week. 

  1. Gut Health Is Important 

Our stomach is a space that is prone to frequent infections, and that is one of the primary reasons gut health is a hot topic for research. More evidence from studies and research points to the fact that a healthy gut microbiome can improve overall physical health. A healthy gut that contains a wide variety of good bacteria supports a well-functioning immune system. Fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, fermented eatables like miso, kimchi, and plain yogurt promote the growth of good gut bacteria.  

  •  Get Plenty of Sleep 

Your immune system fights bacteria, viruses, and other germs without rest. But you must take proper rest and sleep. Poor sleep results in metabolic and hormonal imbalances. It also brings poor immune function.  

If you haven’t heard of good sleep hygiene practices, here are a few of them: disconnect communication devices like mobile phones two hours before bed, keep consistent time for bed, and follow relaxation techniques before bed. Again, consulting with your physician helps if sleep problems arise or persist and get in the way of your daily routine. Keep in mind that sleep supplements, exercise, and other lifestyle changes can help you get a good night’s sleep.  

  • Bust Your Stress 

If you are concerned about how to know if your immune system is strong, check on your stress levels. Slight stress may protect you from antigens — also known as ‘immunoprotective’ in immunology. But the case is different in the consistent tension. It can suppress your immune system and reduce your pathological immune response. 

Anyway, there are various ways to bust your stress. For example, you can take up yoga, meditation, or other relaxing techniques when you begin to experience tension or stress for an extended period. 

  • Avoid Toxins 

In this world, you can’t escape from toxins because they are everywhere in the form of biological, chemical and radiation elements. Indeed, they can adversely affect our body immunity power, and we can’t avoid our exposure to them altogether. But, on the brighter side, we can limit our contact with toxins. 

As a precautionary measure to limit your toxic exposure, you can opt for natural household cleaning agents and organic personal hygiene products and cosmetics. There are various online sources where you can check out and purchase these organic and less toxic items. These sources also let you analyze the products you currently use for their potentially toxic ingredients.  

Your immune system evolves, develops, and adapts to your environment over time. Your lifestyle choices determine to a great extent how strong your body immunity power is. A diet rich in whole foods, probiotics, and essential nutrients such as Zinc, Vitamin A, D, and C, along with getting enough exercise, is good for strong immunity 

Illnesses and diseases are part of nature, and it is nearly impossible to avoid them altogether, but to stay healthy, the only thing you can do is strengthen your immune system, your first line of defense. 

It takes immense willpower and determination to boost your immune function by embracing a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, with the temptations to eat junk food, lead a sedentary lifestyle and develop unhealthy habits around every corner, it is worth the effort to boost your immune function and bring up the signs of a strong immune system 

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