detox drinks for weight loss

Detox Drinks for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know About These Amazing Drinks

Want to shed your excess fat and weight? Wondering if detox drinks for weight loss help flush out toxins? Here’s all you need to know.

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Over the years, there has been a rising interest in the subject of weight loss. While rising obesity is a cause for concern, newer trends on losing weight are also taking over the internet. It can be difficult at times to shed those extra pounds. You experiment with various crash diets and pills to lose weight fast and get into better shape. Often, you get frustrated when none of these solutions gives you the desired results. But are detox drinks for weight loss a reliable method? Let’s find out if the hype around these weight loss drinks is true.  

Can toxins from the body make you gain weight? 

You might be aware of several detox drinks for weight loss. But what are detox drinks in the first place? Generally, a detox drink is a mixture of water with mostly fruits, herbs, and veggies. This drink enhances your system’s ability to eliminate toxins. Also, it helps to revitalize your energy and lose weight. But what role do toxins have on your body? 

Let’s be honest, we are living in a toxic world! We are exposed to more toxins around us than ever before. These chemicals are present in your food, water, and air. The body, however, has a natural detoxification pathway, which acts by flushing out these toxins. But the problem is when your body becomes overloaded with toxins which lead to inflammation. It often shows up as symptoms like- 

  • Bloating and gas 
  • Constipation  
  • Headache and fatigue 
  • Skin problems 
  • Weight gain 
  • Hormonal imbalances  

Moreover, the toxins from the environment which make you gain weight are known as obesogens. It changes your fat metabolism and hormonal balance and increases your number of fat cells. Also, it slows your natural detoxification process, making you gain weight.  

It is said that “all diseases start in the gut” which makes it crucial to flush out toxins from the body. You can achieve this by having a healthy diet and exercising. Additionally, detox drinks can be effective weight loss diets because they contain vitamins and minerals. 

Benefits of detox drinks for your health 

While detox drinks help with weight loss, they also improve metabolism. Studies show that since detox waters are liquids, it enhances your metabolism. As a result, you burn more calories and enhance your body’s fat-burning process. Some health benefits of detox drinks apart from weight loss are: 

  • Improvement in your digestive health 
  • Flushes out toxins 
  • Boosts your immune function 
  • Revitalises your energy levels and mood 
  • Improves your complexion 
  • Better hydration 

It’s worth noting that most of its benefits are derived from the water itself. But the other ingredients in the detox drinks also improve your overall health and weight loss goals. 

Best detox drinks for weight loss 

When you think of detox drinks, you cannot miss out on the benefits of plain water for weight loss. It is one of the best detox drinks to lose weight. Moreover, it is an easily available and natural drink with no adverse effects. But how does water help you lose weight? Well, we all do laundry to get rid of the dirt from our clothes. Likewise, when you drink plenty of water, it helps you flush out toxins from your body. 

If you want to reduce your cravings for food, you need to drink enough water. Studies show that plain water is a natural appetite suppressant. As a result, you feel fuller and satiated for a longer time. It even helps to burn more calories and reduce your hunger. That is why water stands high amongst the few best detox drinks which help with weight loss. 

But some people find it challenging to drink lots of water, owing to its bland taste. So, to enhance the flavour of water, you can experiment with different drinks. You can enhance their flavour with your choice of ingredients. Here are a few detox drinks that are a good alternative to water and effective for weight loss. 

Try these simple homemade detox drinks for weight loss 

Part of the reason you struggle to lose weight is the level of commitment it requires. It is challenging to stick to your weight loss goals amidst all the delicious food. However, these are some easy-to-prepare homemade detox drinks which are beneficial for weight loss. Additionally, it doesn’t take much time and effort on your part. But remember to pair it with healthy food and exercise. 

  • Lemon and ginger detox drink 

Lemon juice and water are the best morning detox drink for weight loss. All you need to do is squeeze half a lemon into your glass of water. It adds amazing flavour to your water and helps to detoxify your body. Moreover, it fills your water with vitamins and minerals. 

You can even add ginger to your water to bring out more flavours. Simply add lemon slices and ginger pieces to your water bottle and let it sit for a few hours. Plus, you can make ginger tea with lemon. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and pectin, which helps to reduce your hunger pangs. As a result, these detox drinks assist in your weight loss journey. 

  • Apple cider vinegar for weight loss 

Even apple cider vinegar detox drinks are popular ingredients added to water for weight loss. It has fat-burning properties because of its acetic acid content. Also, if you are looking for detox water for belly fat, this one’s for you! It helps to reduce your belly fat and promotes healthy bacteria. But you should know that vinegar is concentrated, so always dilute it with water. You can add one spoonful of ACV to your water to lose weight.  

If you are diabetic and hypertensive, seek advice from your healthcare professional. It has the potential to affect your potassium and insulin levels. 

  • Cucumber mint leaves detox drink 

Another detox drink for weight loss is the cucumber mint combination. Since cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties and fewer calories, it is beneficial to lose weight. Moreover, it is simple and easy to make. Add some cucumber slices and mint leaves to your water. Also, you can incorporate lemon into it. Let it sit for a few hours, add ice and enjoy your cucumber lemonade! 

  • Coconut water 

Looking for natural detox water for weight loss? Well, coconut water is a very refreshing drink which is rich in electrolytes. It is also one of the detox drinks which aids in weight loss. In addition, it supports your metabolism and burns more calories. 

  • Berries infused water 

Well, it is high time you substitute your high-calorie caffeinated diet coke with a healthy drink. Take a water bottle and fill it with your favourite berries, like blueberries and strawberries. You can include refreshing herbs like mint leaves. It makes a healthy low-calorie detox water, which helps in weight loss. Plus, it is an excellent drink loaded with vitamins and minerals. 

  • Green detox drinks for weight loss 

One of the healthiest detox drinks to include in your weight-loss diet is green tea. It is a calorie-free beverage which promotes fat burning and helps you lose weight. The antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea is effective in breaking down your fat and boosting your metabolic rate. It is beneficial to drink detox water to lose belly fat as well. 

A healthy weight loss with a healthy detox drink! 

You need to know that there are no detox drinks that work fast for weight loss. It makes a healthy drink with vitamins and minerals.  

However, you cannot rely on these drinks solely. You must include a healthy diet and exercise to lose weight healthily! 

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